a blood blister on my lip

Do I have a cold sore or a blood blister? - Yahoo! Answers.
blood blister on my lip..help! - Kittyradio Forums.
You don't have to take it out. Blood blisters are a common issue with piercings and all it really is, is blood trapped under the skin. It will resolve itself.
without realizing it, i was sucking on my lip while just hanging out with my friends and it must have been quite a suction because now i have a.
However, I took a look in the mirror a couple hours later and I've noticed a huge blood blister on the inner side of my lip. It's about the size of an.
Johnny Rockets: they gave me a blood blister on my lip because one of their onion rings had just got pulled out of the fryer and they. - See 9 traveler reviews.
Not sure if it is actually a blood blister, it seems like a blister - it doesn't hurt & it is just on the inside of my lip, to the side, and i can feel it slightly.
blood blister - March 2011 Birth Club - BabyCenter.

My brother accidentally hit me, and now i have a blood blister on my lip. How do i get rid of it, without. If the blister is not to big or painful it will subside by itself and does not need any treatment. You may also put an ice cube.
I have a Blood blister in my mouth.. Worried? - Yahoo! Answers.
Should I burst a blood blister? - Yahoo! Answers.
Annoying blood-blister-like lesions on lower lip - TrumpetMaster.com.
a blood blister on my lip
a blood blister on my lip
I have a HUGE BLOOD BLISTER inside my mouth around my new lip.Why do I Keep Getting Blood Blisters in My Mouth - Ask.com.