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Feb 20, 2013. Send Us Your Funny Facebook Status Updates. played some high energy music to get the crowd energized, and this little boy hit the aisle.
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Jan 22, 2011. Every day, I come across a few hilarious status Facebook updates. Some of them are so funny, that I actually feel stupid laughing all by myself!
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Mar 31, 2013. Collection of 30 top funniest statuses for Facebook- Ultimale-Lol Edition 2013, it will. So most of the times Facebook status updates reflects the actual mood of the person.. Here I've done a short research for you guys.
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Funny Facebook Status Updates (18 pics).
To connect with Really Funny status Updates, sign up for Facebook today. ... girls who say "alot of guys are after me" should keep in mind that low prices attract.
Hilarious Facebook Status Updates: Thank goodness it was Twinkies and not Bacon. ( 100K+ Statuses: Funny Status iPhone App 5☆ Ratings); If you see.
Facebook logo. To connect with Funny status updates using your friends list., sign up for Facebook today. ... Remember to feed the kids dinner..every night: 6.
Oct 18, 2011. 200 Funny Facebook Status Updates. facebook funny status updates. Boys are like baby diapers when they get to be filled with shit they are.